Friday, December 7, 2012

Insta-Friday 12/7/12

Well, it's that time again.
Life via my Instagram pics.
We didn't do too many exciting things this week with Ethan out of commission, so most of our moments took place in the comfort of our temporary home.
It was nice to clear the schedule for a couple days and just be with my kiddos.
We will start off on Wednesday when Ethan got his cast on.
He was hilarious when they asked him what color he wanted because, of course, he changed his mind 20 times.
"I want oringe, no I want bew, no I want ed, no I want een, no I want . . . "
You get the idea. 
(And those spellings are his versions of the appropriate colors.  I do know how to spell the primary colors).
He never said pink, which was comforting because Tim would have killed me if I brought him home with a pink accessory that couldn't come off for four weeks.
I would have probably let him do it too if he really wanted it, but by God's grace (seriously) it never came up.
Ed ended up being the color he decided on (although he tried to change it to een in the middle of the application . . . the poor cast tech didn't know what to do).
And I am happy that at least he has a festive accessory to sport through the Christmas season.
Saw this cute idea on Pinterest and BAM, I recreated it.
We had to bring an appetizer to our small group Christmas gathering this week.
This beauty was perfect, festive, and healthy.
She is starting to be really smiley and interactive.
I looooooooove watching them be present.
Check out that hair sticking up.
She still hasn't lost a lot of hair from birth, so I am hoping she just grows more and more in.
I see plenty of clips and headbands in our near future.
He is all over this baby.
Really sweet, calling her "cutie-pie and Lexi-girl"
And she lets him just kiss her and lay on her and she never cries.
We will see how long it lasts.
One day sister is going to let him know how she really feels.
Until then it is fun to watch their cute expressions with each other.
Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Ethan has spent the last couple days crawling.
Why, you might ask?
Sunday night my dad was helping him put pajama pants on . . .
(Sidenote:  He is the most difficult child to dress because he can be such a diva.  He only wants to wear certain pieces of clothing when he wants to wear them.  If you do not comply with his wishes then he will do everything in his small little power to get away from you to keep those horrid clothes from getting on his body.) 
And he slipped out of one pant leg onto his ankle somehow.
He is a pretty tough cookie, so not much crying ensued.
He went to bed as usual, but in the morning refused to walk on it.
I took him to the doctor Monday morning (at which we also found out that he has a double ear infection), and she told me the quickest way to get him seen was to take him to the emergency room.
Oh, joy.
I love germ infested emergency rooms with two year olds who can't walk and are already miserable because their ears are hurting.
I put my feelings aside and off we went with my mom and bff, Nicole.
Here is what Ethan thought of the gown they made him wear.
Once again showing his diva-ness off.
They did an x-ray and found that it was indeed a hairline fracture right at the base of his leg (at the ankle).
They wouldn't actually cast it there - no, that would make things too easy.
Into a splint it went.
And we have to follow up with an orthopedic specialist sometime this week to get an actual cast that will probably be a part of him for four weeks.
Nicole is a nurse, so we went to the hospital she works at.
And here she is holding on to the splint while the fiberglass dried.
It was a lovely experience that took about 3.5 hours.
Which all things considered could have been much longer.
Glad to know important people like Nicole who can hurry things along.
Prayers please . . . that he would start walking on it (he is allowed) because carrying a two year old and an infant in her carseat/carrier is no good for mommy's back or sanity.