Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ending October

Since it is pretty much the middle of November, I have decided to post about our October events.
I am nothing if not punctual.  ahem.
Ethan, Lexi and I moved in on October 25th.
That weekend my parents came down to visit, and we all took a trip to a pumpkin patch.
Our Littlest Pumpkin this year . . . 2 weeks old.


The place we went had this cute train ride, so the boys took a trip on the Halloween Express.
We also celebrated our first Fort Myers Halloween that week.
We have gotten involved with a "life group" (love those Christian cliches) in our church down here, and they invited us to trick or treat with them.
We had an Incredible Hulk and Spiderman, who I am pretty sure couldn't see out of his mask the entire night.
Sidenote:  Ethan (aka Blind Spiderman) received the most candy out of all the kids we were with that night.
Because he really, really got into taking his own handfuls instead of once piece out of containers.
We would try to discipline him and say "just one," but then those darn people would say, "oh no, let him take as many as he wants . . . he is so cute."
Once again, his cuteness saves him.

This was Lexi's get-up.
I decided not to put her in a costume because let's be honest, costumes are a pain.
My mom made this cute pillowcase dress from some cute fabirc, and we called it a day.
She was in the stroller the entire time anyway, so it worked out perfectly.
Funny how differently you feel with number 3 . . . I know I would have never given up the chance to dress George no matter how little he was on his first Halloween.
Oh how our perspective changes with time and additional kids.
All in all, we enjoyed our October festivities.
Looking forward to November's . . . Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and our anniversary.

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