Monday, January 14, 2013

Enjoying these days

Since I moved into this loft apartment in October I haven't really done much.
I spend most of my days just being with my two littlest in a constant rotation between feeding/rocking my baby and playing a mutitude of different games/toys with my toddler.

 When I lived in Largo I literally ran from one thing to another . . . always packing the kids in the car as we drove from one destination to the next.
I enjoy being busy.  I really do.
I loved having play dates and Bible studies and preschools to go to.
But . . .
There is definitely something to be said for the "simple" life.
This time with my kids is so precious.
I am trying to soak every minute in.
I start a new Bible study on Thursday mornings this week.
I know the longer we live here the more things I will find to do.
And that is all fine, but I want to make sure I don't forget these days.
Days when my babies were happy to just sit on my lap on the couch and enjoy the morning together.
Just being together.
Just soaking in all their preciousness.
Cause they are precious.
So, so precious.

And I am blessed.
So, so blessed.

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