Thursday, February 23, 2012

Embracing with my Mama

Embracing my camera today with Emily from The Anderson Crew.
She put together a little link-up to help mom's get in front of the camera, so their kids will have evidence of them as they get older.
I think it is a great idea.
Last week I posted a picture of my dad and me.
It is only fair that I pay my mom the same respect.

This picture was taken on our annual family vacation to North Carolina.

It is funny because as I looked through pictures to find one with my mother, there weren't very many to choose from.

She is a mom that doesn't embrace the camera too much, so now I am on a mission to change that.

She was (and still is) a wonderful mother to her children.

I am so blessed to have someone I can call at any moment to ask about a recipe or a parenting problem.

I put her way up there in the mother department, but she is an even better grandmother.

My kids absolutely adore their Nouna, and why shouldn't they?

She showers them with more love than any human being could possibly get.

We love you so much Mom/Nouna!

What a blessing God has given us with you.

Now get in front of that camera, woman.

We want evidence of you in the years to come.



  1. Awww!!! What a sweet post and tribute to your Mom. Both of you are beautiful!
