Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Can You Relate?

I am tired.
 Tired of my poor oldest baby having a sore throat.
Tired of my second cold in three months (very unusual for me).
Tired of being up all night like I have a newborn.
Tired of living in the in between.
Tired just thinking about all I have to do for the holidays.
Tired of my busy schedule.
Tired of not being able to go to the bathroom without interruption.
Tired of always (and I mean always) having dishes in my sink.
 Tired of my husband working long hours.
Tired of . . . you get the idea.

What am I not tired of?
I am not tired of the extra cuddles the four year old gives when he doesn’t feel good.
I am not tired of my toddler’s smile.
I am not tired of my beautiful house the Lord provided.
I am not tired of the gorgeous shower my husband finally finished in our bathroom.
I am not tired of my kids’ giggles.
I am not tired of the precious minutes I get to spend late in the evening with just my husband.
I am not tired of the gorgeous weather we have been having.
I am not tired of family photos.
I am not tired of filling our tummies at dinner.
I am not tired of . . . again, you get the idea.

The “not tireds” definitely outweigh the “tireds,” but I am still tired.
Just tired.
Ever get that feeling?


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