Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Classic George

Funny story from our drive home on Sunday . . .

George has some "imagination" friends. He has one named Bongo, one named Tree, one named Lake . . . you get the picture. These dudes show up in all sorts of random places as we go about our day. It is really funny because George totally knows they aren't real. He will talk to them and talk about them, but if you try to pretend they are real he will say, "Mom, they are just imagination friends, not real ones." Ok, George, whatever you say:)

On our way home this past weekend we were having a conversation about these friends. George asked Tim and I if we wanted to talk to a new friend on the phone. This new friend was named "Cup." Tim said he would love to talk to Cup, so he carried on a short, imaginary conversation with this friend. Tim then proceeded to tell George that he had a new imagination friend too and his name was "Plate." George said (and I quote), "Dad, Plate? That is a really weird name."

Oh, George, we love this about you:)

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