Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Favorites - 8/12

Welcome to another edition of "Friday Favorites." I try to send some inspiration your way each week when I pick my favorite moments/crafts/whatever else I can come up with to post. Hope you enjoy!

1. Favorite moment of the week.
My brother and his wife lived with us this summer (as I may have mentioned one or two times before). We really enjoyed having them around. We get along with them as couples really well, so fun times are always had when we are together. They left this week, and I knew that my oldest was going to have a hard time with it. He loves Uncle Peter so much (it may or may not have something to do with their shared love of all things video game related). Last night George sat basically on Peter's lap the entire night, just soaking up every last minute with his beloved uncle. It was so sweet to watch, and I just love that they have such a bond. I hope it carries out through George's entire life because I can't imagine any better role model for him than my brother.

2. Favorite Thing I Did This Week:
I registered for my first two graduate school classes. I. Am. So. Excited. I am starting a masters in Educational Leadership this Fall, and I am really looking forward to using my academic brain again. I have really missed adult conversation and academic competition while being home with my boys. I wouldn't trade my mom job for anything in the world, but I think I am going to love getting out one or two nights a week to concentrate on exercising my brain. I will keep you updated on how it is going.

3. Favorite Idea of the Week:
I have started reading this blog, I am Momma - Hear Me Roar. She is another mom of two boys, so I feel an instant connection to her. She had a post a while back about "Gunny." It is basically an easy sowing project that teaches a big lesson. I love the idea of a visual to help my young children learn to pick up after themselves. In my humble opinion, this idea is truly genius. Now I just need to break out the sewing machine I got for Christmas (yes, Christmas, and no I haven't used it once), so I can make a "Gunny" for us.

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