Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One Thousand Gifts - Chapter 4

This chapter was very pertinent to my life right now. It was all about slowing down to enjoy each moment of this one life that we are given. There are no "do-overs." We have to thank God for what He has given to us each and every moment - even when things couldn't get more hectic.

One of my favorite short quotes this week was, "Haste makes waste." It was on page 66. She talks about how life isn't an emergency, yet we always treat it that way, especially those of us with kids. I know I am guilty of always looking towards the next thing. What are we doing next? What is next on my list? When do I need to do the next load of laundry? When can I start preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks? The list goes on and on.

She continues with this concept on page 77. "Don't I always have the choice to be fully attentive? Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus." I just need to concentrate more on thankfulness for the moment I am in right now. Watching George eat, having a conversation with him about his favorite Disney ride or character, laughing about our morning, helping him get the pasta on his fork. Watching Ethan play, feeding him each bite, helping him take his few steps, singing songs with him, loving his cute four teeth. These are the moments I will miss.

Now, on with my list . . .

16. George swimming with confidence
17. George and George relaxing on floats in the pool
18. Adult conversation with my mom
19. Screaming contests in which the baby participates on command
20. NKOTBSB concert
21. Steak 'n Shake at midnight (just like the college days)
22. Nouna's stain-fighting powers
23. Anticipation of mini-vacation
24. Generous parents and friends
25. Only two more days till we get hubby and daddy back
26. First full church service in 11 months
27. Nursing a sleepy baby
28. After-bath smells
29. Daddy's special spaghetti sauce
30. Six weeks under the same roof as my brother (didn't think it would ever happen again after we "grew-up")

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