Friday, October 14, 2011

Why is God Fluddering the Earth Again?

Linking up with "From the Aisle to Aloha."
Aisle to Aloha

This is a little thing that really brought so much joy to my week.
I won't lie, it has been a rough one, but my two boys really keep things in perspective.
I want to hold on to each fleeting moment.  The good, the bad, and the ugly . . . because with them there is always greatness. 
God really shows up in my boys.  He uses them everyday to teach me so many things.
Now, on to our story . . .

George must be learning about rainbows and God flooding the Earth in Sunday school because it has been a constant stream of questions and discussions over the last few days.
He keeps asking me what a rainbow means?
And who got to go in the ark?
And why did God fludder (aka flood) the Earth?
And why were the people making bad decisions?
We have tried to explain the story to him a number of times, but when he gets something in his head that he can't quite grasp he does not let it go.  He wants all the answers, and I mean all of them.

So . . . tonight we went to a high school football game, and as we were leaving it began to rain.
It started out as a trickle, but by the time we got to the car it was a downpour.
We got into the car as fast as we could and were thankful we didn't get totally soaked.
George proceeded to ask, "Mom, why is God fluddering the Earth again?"
How would you answer that question?

(All photography done by the lovely Teale Dvornik.)


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